McCreadie, Eddie

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Eddie McCreadie

Eddie McCreadie

Clubs played for: East Stirlingshire, Chelsea, Memphis Rogues (1959-1979)

Born: 1940

Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland

Position: Left-back

Biography: Arrived from East Stirling as an unknown in April 1962. Within 12 months, his partnership with Ken Shellito was key to the club returning to the top flight. Tommy Docherty described him as the best Left-back in Europe" and within two years, standing in as a centre-forward for the injured Barry Bridges, he scored the winning goal of the first leg of the League Cup Final after a stunning 80 yard run. Endured a stormy relationship with Docherty and had five transfer requests rejected. Suffered FA Cup heart break in 1967 but played a vital role in the success over Leeds three years later. Succeeded Ron Harris as skipper and joined the coaching staff in the summer of 1974. Went onto manage Chelsea before moving to the USA to take charge of Memphis Rogues. Then became a painter and decorator but has now retired and lives on a ranch in Tennessee.

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Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Eddie?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!

McCreadie, Eddie I was on holiday with friends in Ibiza 1969, Eddie was in our hotel with his wife and children and his friend Barry Kitchener who played for Millwall. The hotel put on entertainment in the evening, we were all seated round a big table, and noticed Eddie was only drinking cokes or so we thought, but he had a bottle of scotch under the table and was adding that to his coke. He caught us watching and said, there was no way he was paying the hotel price for a scotch & coke, he was typical Scot always looking at saving a shilling.

One bit of gossip he relayed, he was all set for a transfer to Spurs for a fee of £15.000 in 1968 but Tommy Docherty blocked it, he would have doubled his wages had it gone through.

Eddie was a good company and it was privilege to have spent some time with him.
28-11-22 Keith McLean

McCreadie, Eddie A family member informed me that Eddie (Graham) McCreadie was related. Tracing my family history from 1740 as a hobby. I lived in the same locale as Eddie in Glasgow. Traced Eddie to his current location in USA but was informed that he is a very private person, I was respectfully obliged to conclude my research there.He is still a legend amongst footballing officionados here in Scotland!
23-11-20 John Graham

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