Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Andy?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Feeley, Andy Andrew is my cousin..I remember him meeting my family ( In Leicester ..we had tickets and a tour around filbert street when Leicester played Manchester United .leicester won 3.0 if I remember with Alan Smith scoring..had such a great day ..was 14/15 I think..
09-09-20 Iain jones
Feeley, Andy Was manager of Ramsbottom Utd in 2009 but was jailed for 2 years for wounding. He had also previously been convicted of assaulting his wife and public order offences. He was said to have alcohol and anger management issues. Don't know what he has done since he got out....
Feeley, Andy I remember him playing for my beloved Leicester in the early 80s. He always played with a bandage on his arm. This was supposedly because of a tattoo which referees would find offensive!
I'd love to know what it was........