Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of David?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Melvyn Wood As a youngster, David lived with his parents at the top of South Parkway, Seacroft, Leeds. We used to play football together with other local lads, even though I was about six years older than him David would regularly knock on our door asking if I was coming out to play. We would then hike to Crossgates Manston park where we would spend ages with David in goal and me lobbing the ball at him from the edge of the penalty area. David used to keep rabbits, so I imagine this is where the farming connection came from, happy days, he deserved his success from his dedication at an early age.
09-09-20 Melvyn Wood
Harvey, David Reserve to Sprakey then got the No1 jersey when Gary left. A really good keeper,liked to punch the ball a lot.I recall he and Gordon (turncoat)MQueen had fistycuuffs at the Kop end,Gordon loosing his cool i think,words were said! then the handbags came out.There is a funny story told by 'Lash' about David's pet monkey and it's sad demise,worth a read.
Harvey, David As a kid in the late 60s early 70s used to see David at various rabbit shows around Yorkshire. I used to tag along with my Dad who showed rabbits .
Harvey, David I played in goal and was a huge Leeds fan, DH was my hero. When he was still a player, DH used to breed rabbits for showing. My father (who also bred rabbits as a hobby) told me he was going to pick up a rabbit from a David Harvey but that it wasn't the footballer and as it was a school night he wouldn't let me go with him. Of course it turned out to be THE David Harvey and I was gutted at not having met him. I got to meet him eventually though and he was a thoroughly charming guy.