Hockey, Trevor

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Trevor Hockey

Trevor Hockey

Clubs played for: Bradford City, Nottingham Forest, Newcastle United, Birmingham City, Sheffield United, Norwich City, Aston Villa, Bradford City. (1959-1975).

Born: 1943

Birthplace: Keighley, West Riding of Yorkshire

Position: Midfielder

Biography: Trevor was taking part in a 5-a-side tournament in Keighley in April 1987 when he collapsed and died, aged 43.

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Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Trevor?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!

Hockey, Trevor I am researching my famlly history and I would to know the name of Trevor Hockey’s father? Can any one help, thank you. Syd.

30-06-23 Syd Hockey

Hockey, Trevor Trevor was my father. I was adopted out December 1965 and just want to know if he knew I existed.
17-06-22 Sarah binks

Hockey, Trevor in 1983 in British Forces B.A.O.R Trevor had a contract with the Army F A and coached our Btn football team for one week. i’ll Always remember his professionalism and enthusiasm. He was a pleasure to watch.
04-03-20 John darby

Hockey, Trevor He will always be remembered for his flair and attractive football skills
16-08-19 David Watts

Hockey, Trevor adored by the tilton road4

Hockey, Trevor a very good useful player with that hairy look,shocked about his death

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