Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Jimmy?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Husband, Jimmy There is a fantastic picture of Jimmy scoring an injury time winner against Hull City at the Kenny. It was an awful midweek game and Hull scored early. Luton never looked like scoring that night but with virtually the last kick of the game Luton equalised. Hull kicked off as we waited for the expected final whistle when the ball ran across the box for Jimmy with a massive grin across his face there to poke home the winner. It’s still one of my favourite Luton photos
25-07-23 Nick Verney
Husband, Jimmy Great winger who was never the same again after he was kicked all over the pitch by Dave MacKay.
10-07-23 Ian Brown
Husband, Jimmy Loved watching Jimmy at Everton. A great footballer who would be a worldy if playing now but in the period he played there where so many good players who could beat a man and not just with speed.
02-07-23 john boyd
Husband, Jimmy Pulled many a pint for Jimmy in the green man. Best wishes to Val.
21-03-23 Chris Walker
Husband, Jimmy Happy to have him as my father-in-law.
30-11-22 Leigh Husband
Husband, Jimmy I played for Bolam Street School around 1959 against Manor Park School in a cup match on Clifford Road sports field, Byker. Jimmy Husband was playing for Manor Park school - he scored against us and they won. What a great player he was. Eddie Martin.
16-09-22 Eddie Martin
Husband, Jimmy The bugger slaughtered us when I play against him. I played for Gateshead boys and he played for Newcastle boys. They won 5-1 and he scored most of their goals. We played them later without Jimmy and a midfielder called Louie (something) and we beat them easily 3-1.
17-07-22 B Hemsley
Husband, Jimmy I want to know my late dad's cousin. He is on my nanna Fitzgerald's brother son. Please email me.
25-06-22 Amanda laws
Husband, Jimmy Jimmy husband is and always has been a great footballer. He related to my father Andrew Laws
23-02-21 Amanda Laws
Husband, Jimmy Remember delivering his milk when he lived in Liverpool, E type jag and a great tipper at Christmas.
09-08-19 Steve Kennaugh