Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Kevin?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Keegan, Kevin I was about 5 years of age when I had a top with Kevin Keegan on it. He was playing for Liverpool at the time. Till this day, 50 years on nearly, it's still a top that sticks in my mind and favourite.
13-08-23 Stuart Fox
Keegan, Kevin I was on holiday in Tunisia with my wife and some friends, we were walking around the souk in Sousse when a vendor started shouting at me trying to get me to buy a carpet. I was wearing an England shirt and had a curly perm. Not unlike Kevin at that time. The vendor said are you Kevin Keegan so i said yes and this is Bryan Robson. Within minutes every vendor in the souk wanted us to come and buy their goods thinking we were rich. It took a long time to get away but it was all good fun.
12-06-23 Roy Williams
Keegan, Kevin Sitting next to Kevin in the changing rooms before training the first time I met him 1968 he said "not another from Norwich". I asked why and he replied "because another one came up and he was useless". I said "you mean Clive Woods? Well, he is playing for Ipswich in the FA cup Final - so not good at spotting players!" Ha Ha . He was always going places just so fit and all round good bloke and was a real pleasure to play on the same pitch as him. PS. got my own back in training as we had to carry someone on your back for a kick about and guess what I got Kevin which I can always say a Norwich Boy Carried him Ha Ha. He was a true Legend and Gent.
04-01-23 Stephen Cozens
Keegan, Kevin He reminded me of the late great Len White who played for Newcastle Utd in the 1960s.
23-10-22 AA west
Keegan, Kevin Kevin and his lovely wife Jean used to live close to us in North Wales when he played for Liverpool. He used to visit our restaurant regularly and me and my mum used to go and watch Liverpool play, absolutely lovely, down-to-earth people and obviously an amazing player! Great memories
08-01-22 maxine hopwood
Keegan, Kevin When he ran his soccer circus in Glasgow a very young boy (too young to know how good he was) asked him “hey Kevin, were you any good as a player?".
28-09-21 J Mitchell
Keegan, Kevin Kevin Keegan is an all time great player - no question. He was very determined to play abroad which he did and, was successful too. The football club he played for was Hamburg SV. I wonder why that was omitted from the football clubs he played for?
04-09-21 Yinka Oyesanya
Keegan, Kevin At Newcastle he was all about the fans. The training ground was opened up and people would just walk in to see the entertainers train. He signed an autograph for everyone, never rushed or turned anyone away. Just took his time. Really approachable guy.
06-08-21 Mick
Keegan, Kevin Great player, one of Newcastle Utd’s best. Him and a young Peter Beardsley, simply great. NUFC is Kevin Keegan, end off.
20-07-21 Mark Summers
Keegan, Kevin Kevin’s pretty loud when he shanks one, he does like to win our Kev but loves a bush more ! He’ll know Las Brisas with Sean : A Great Footballer !
31-05-21 Mark Collins
Keegan, Kevin I am 47 and remember Kevin at 1982 Spain. I was 8 then.I see him now to a google photo. I understand that the years pass quickly. Believe me now I understand this at 47. Love you Kevin best player. Life is too short and all we grow up.
18-04-21 Elias
Keegan, Kevin When he was manager, my daughter played for Newcastle girls. She was invited to Newcastle training ground. He was so nice. My daughter has a video doing headers with him and lots of photos. What a man, totally down to earth.
31-03-21 barry davies
Keegan, Kevin I used to watch him destroy us regularly. One of the best players I’ve ever seen. Loved him at Newcastle .... loved him everywhere except playing us ... Chelsea
05-03-21 Geoff Azoulay
Keegan, Kevin I met Kevin and his wife Jean when he was manager of Man City at a City Res game played at Hyde United. I was working as a chief scout at the time it was in the hospitality lounge and they came over and sat with me. Jean said do you know its our anniversary today and he promised to take me for a meal? With that Kevin got up went over to a table and gave her a plate of sandwiches - priceless!
16-02-21 Russ Thornton
Keegan, Kevin One of the truly great English players both for Liverpool and Hamburg. The only British footballer to be voted European Footballer of the year....
Liverpool and Hamburg. Also a great England captain. A real catalyst. "MADE THINGS HAPPEN"
18-01-21 Tom Bailey