Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Peter?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Latchford, Peter I’m pretty sure that Peter Latchford’s brother was an excellent priest in Blackpool - my confirmation name is Ignatious because of his terrific homily about St Ignatious of Loyola, whose Feast Day is today.
31-07-23 Frank Comiskey
Latchford, Peter Hi Peter. I was a friend of your brother John at Turves Green School and we were partners in working for our Life Saving Bronze medal. I lost touch after leaving school and I wondered how things have gone with him it would be great if you could give me some information. Regards Alan Brinkworth
12-12-21 Alan Brinkworth
Latchford, Peter I worked with Peter at Kingfisher Chemicals in Queenslie. He was a very cheerful and fun guy, and iI was also very lucky to be introduced to his lovely wife and daughters too. Always managed to cheer me up and make me laugh, even although I supported Rangers(Ha Ha). Even now I speak about the old times to my husband, and my twin 10yr old daughters. My husband went to the games back then, so gets jealous that I knew him so well.
Lisa Gilchrist(Nee. KNOX)
14-02-21 Lisa Gilchrist( nee Knox)