Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of John?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
O'Rourke, John Went on holiday to Italy in the 60's with John, Ray whittaker and Jimmy Sullivan. I still have the pictures. How are you? Hope to hear from you.
O'Rourke, John I started watching Ipswich Town in 1967/68 season. John O'Rourke signed for us from Middlesborough during the season and it was his good goalscoring record that propelled us into the first division and the start of the incredible journey that followed.
O'Rourke, John We met John later in life through his business in Highcliffe on Sea and we remember him as a lovely, lovely man and one of life's true gentlemen. He always worked extremely hard but always had a smile on his face and a friendly word. Although we subsequently met infrequently it was always a joy to see him. We will miss him and we know he will be sorely missed by Deidre and his family. With best wishes to Deidre and family from Keith, Jenny, Piers, & Karen