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Westby, Jack Mr Westby, was my PE teacher and football coach at Warwick Bolam school. Mr Westby was a great teacher, football coach, and character. He helped me a great deal and was a major influence on me becoming a PE teacher. RIP Mr. Westby.
14-08-20 alan sullivan
Westby, Jack Mr Westby was by far the best teacher at Warwick Bolam he taught me so much even though I was not much good at PE.
05-02-20 Brian Hughes
Westby, Jack Jack was my form teacher and PE teacher at Warwick Bolam. When I joined the school as a new first year Jack was my first teacher, he was a gentleman and made me feel less daunted at joining the “big schoolâ€. He and his assistant Peter Dee when the PE teachers, I only once had Peter take a lesson and he gave me the “Red Hand†for grubby white pumps (trainers in today’s speak). Dee was a little guy and he came across as a bully, but Jack was a gentleman. When I was in the 5th year I took extra tuition at night school were I me two of his sons who where in the same class. Great guys but we did get up to some mischief together.
I’ll never forget Jack and those days at school.
RIP Jack.
Brian Corbett
16-10-19 Brian Corbett
Westby, Jack My favourite teacher great man.
21-06-19 Gary Rawling
Westby, Jack What a Great man Mr. Westby was. He was my PE teacher at Warwick Bolam High School. Always remember him as a true hard-nosed tough but very fair man. He always set a great example to the young men he taught. I remember him fondly pulling a handful of grey chest hair out demonstrating the work ethic and toughness of men of his generation. Just as he kept his cartilage in a jar to show us the sacrafices he had made during his footballing days. Rarely in life we encounter men that leave a lasting impression but Jack Westby was one of those men. RIP
13-12-18 Malcolm Wain
WESTBY, Jack The most amazing Granddad. I’ll always remember you playing with us in the garden, taking us to museums, the key park and Crosby beach and giving me the best cuddles ever. Your memory will always live on. Miss you so much Granddad x
Westby, Jack Great man,was my p.e teacher at senior school,quite funny at times,i had the great distinction of joining the red hand gang which was jacks punishment if u done wrong,whack on the back wiv the hand holding back the tears for a day was tough.however i wouldnt have had it any other way it taught u how to behave which is what some kids could have done with today.
Rest in peace jack youve earned ur sleep gbnf
Westby, Jack My old PE teacher at Warwick Bolam in bootle and hard as nails. Kept his cartilage in vinaigrette in jam jar in in his office. Famous for his red hand dished out as punishment on the back.