Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Frank?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Wignall, Frank Played for Wolves in my first game at Molineux, May ‘68. Wignall 3 Chelsea 0. I was hooked!
25-09-21 David Pickford
Wignall, Frank I remember calling at Frank's garage at Burton Joyce where Frank topped up mycar. I had the cheek to advise him on his running action to help him speed up. He smiled and thanked me. I also remember him in that FA Cup tie at the City Ground when Forest beat Everton 3vs2.That match was the most exciting game I ever watched. If Joe Baker had not been injured and put out for the season Forest would have won the FA Cup or the First division championship, perhaps even the double. What happy football days they were. This generation do not know what they missed. John Wilford
18-01-21 John Wilford
Wignall, Frank I know Frank in the 1960's and 1970's. He was a kind Gentleman, even lending me a classic SS Jaguar that he had just bought for my wedding. I am sad to learn of his illness and would welcome contact from him or his family to discuss times past.
08-12-20 Gordon Littlewood
Wignall, Frank A teenage friend of Frank where we used to go to the barn on Saturdays and the Tudor in Chorley on Sundays. Happy days. wWuld love to get in touch.
I am living in West Houghton. Bob Lowe.
29-10-20 Robert lowe
RAYMOND RUDD Great influence on my football career when manager at Kings Lynn fc in 1974. Taught me so much to be a better player and full badge coach.
17-08-20 Keith Rudd
Wignall, Frank I remember meeting up at Horwich Tech and while Frank was playing for Horwich RMI we went
on holiday in the Isle of Man
01-11-18 Stuart Shepley
Wignall, Frank I used to work for Frank in the 60s. He owned a garage in Burton Joyce, Nottinghamshire. He was a great chap and very kind. Let me use some of the old cars from the car sales side.
Wignall, Frank I remember frank wignall attending my little brothers funeral in 1968 and his beautiful floral tribute, my brother idolised him he was my brothers hero and wen frank found out my brother had little time to live he was so touched by it, sadly my brother died at just 13 having lukemia, he adored forest through and through and his hero being frank wignall, so Thankyou frank for making my little brother happy, love Maureen ash xx
Wignall, Frank My mate at Horwich Technical College and the centre forward in the school team when I was the right winger.Not seen him since ,always wandered what happened to him,where is he living now?
Wignall, Frank After turning up at Stockport on two occasions for a trial without getting av game frank later played with Norwich r.m.i
The then Stockport manager turned up at the crown hotel in Norwich when me and frank were going to the Rivington barn try and get frank to sign on willie moor was sent packing. Robin Lowe of westhoughton
Wignall, Frank what a great player he was at forest linking up with joe baker between 1965 -67 great days and the game at against everton at the city ground when forest won 3.2 and storey moore scored that memorable goal off the line and bar twice .Always thinking about thoughs days and frank Wignall ,Thanks
Wignall, Frank We have recently bought a house in Blackrod and have just been told Frank lived here, possibly born here. Keen to meet him and find out the history as the house is circa 1860. Thanks. Erica